10 WCW Moments That Still Haunt Wrestling Fans

4. Vince McMahon Purchases WCW

For every hardcore WCW fan, the idea that Vince McMahon would own the company was a nightmare scenario. For hardcore wrestling fans in general, this was bad news. Wrestling promotions thrive off competition, or so it's been claimed. There is some evidence to back that up, especially when analysing just how WWE have stagnated creatively since monopolising. In March, 2001, McMahon bought over the rights to WCW's biggest trademarks. In effect, the WWF swallowed up their main competitor. This is still something that haunts the pro wrestling business to this day, because WWE have things all their own way. WCW was the only promotion of the past 30 years that came close to challenging Vince McMahon's empire. Going back to the 1980's and into the 90's, a lot of fans liked WCW for different reasons to the WWF. By 2001, such choice was eliminated, and it saddened a lot of people. Sure, WCW may have become hard to watch latterly, but it was still an alternative option. In one fell swoop, that option was gone, and wrestling has never been the same.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.