10 WCW Moments That Still Haunt Wrestling Fans

3. The 'Fingerpoke Of Doom' Debacle

A lot of people point the finger at Vince Russo when discussing why WCW went out of business. Whilst Russo's ideas for the company were woefully against the grain of what the core fan base wanted to see, things were bad before he even got there. January, 1999 promised a huge World Title showdown on Nitro between Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan. The results would be disastrous, and turned a lot of people away from the WCW product. The Georgia Dome was pretty darn full, all because wrestling fans were excited to see what was going to happen between the returning Hogan and Nash. The nWo had splintered into 2 distinct factions, one led by Nash and the other led by Hulk. This was going to be a war to settle which side was more dominant. Of course, that didn't happen. The match was little more than a farce, as Hogan literally poked Nash in the chest. This caused the 7ft star to bump, and Hulk promptly pinned him. All of a sudden, other nWo members hit the ring and everyone celebrated. The fans didn't join in. Feeling ripped off, a lot of them likely gave up on WCW afterwards.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.