10 WCW Moments That Weren’t Supposed To Happen

3. Goldberg Destroys His Own Arm

Goldberg Limo WCW
WWE Network

Bill Goldberg is an alpha male, and he's prone to ill-advised displays of animalistic bravado because of that built-in need to show off aggression. Case in point: WCW Thunder on 23 December 1999. There, two nights before Christmas, Goldberg genuinely shattered a limousine window with his bare fists.

Well, forearm, but you get the gist.

Reportedly, Bill had a hidden pipe running up his arm to make the window break easy. When that failed though (and knowing he could perhaps ask Santa for a new limb), Goldberg stupidly decided to batter the glass into submission with human flesh and bone. It...didn't end well, and in fact almost cost Bill his arm.

Doctors worried they'd have to amputate the thing. Much to everyone's relief, that wasn't necessary, and Goldberg avoided becoming WCW's first ever one-armed pro wrestling badass. He's a very lucky boy, and won't try this ever again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.