10 WCW PPV Concepts WWE Should Revive

7. Japan Supershow

fall bralw

As part of their working relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, the WCW Japan Supershow was held at the fabled Tokyo Dome from ‘91 to ‘93. Mixing WCW talent with their Japanese counterparts proved to a be a successful formula and the event was a huge draw in Japan, attracting over 60,000 fans to each show.

The different venue and alternate crowd made for a unique presentation, vastly different to anything US wrestling fans were used to seeing at the time. While titled "Japan Supershow" in the States, the event was referred to as "Starrcade at Tokyo Dome" in Japan and the bouts themselves often lived up to that billing.

The blend of Japanese wrestlers with WCW stars made for some dream match scenarios; including bouts such as Sting vs. The Great Muta, Ric Flair vs Tatsumi Fujinama and The Steiner Brothers vs. Hiroshi Hase and Kensuke Sasaki. With Japanese wrestling gaining more traction in the US market, a one-off WWE cross promotion with New Japan would open the door for some drool-worthy dream matches; such as AJ Styles vs. Kenny Omega.

While only three such events were ever produced, a modern equivalent with WWE at the Dome would be a huge attraction for Network subscribers and provide fans with some truly unique content worth paying for.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!