10 WCW Stars From The '90s You Totally Don't Remember

3. The Minotaur

The Minotaur WCW

In another life, things could have been very different for Steve DiSalvo. The ex-Stampede and WWC worker had one hell of a physique, and he had a passing resemblance to The Ultimate Warrior when he flexed. That, unfortunately, was as close to the big time as he'd get.

Come 1990, WCW signed DiSalvo and gave him a new gimmick. He was The Minotaur, but in name only. There was nothing else to link Steve with the Greek myth, and he faded out by '91 following a few house show matches and a showing on Saturday Night against fellow straggler Man Mountain Bailey.

It's a slight surprise that WWE didn't sign DiSalvo up on appearance alone when he worked a few tryouts for the company between 1987-1990. In that size-obsessed era, he seemed to fit. It wasn't to be though, and The Minotaur was a nondescript waste of everyone's time in WCW too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.