10 Worst WCW Tag Team Champions Ever
9. David Flair & Crowbar

In all fairness to David Flair, following in his father's footsteps was always going to be a difficult task. Ric Flair is one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots, an all-time iconic heel who redefined the term and carried a company on his back for a generation. The Nature Boy was just about charismatic as pro wrestlers came. David Flair was fighting an uphill battle from the get-go.
That doesn't mean that he gets a pass for managing to burrow even further into the undergrowth. Flair Jr. was one of the worst pro wrestlers to perform in WCW, which is saying something. Things turned around a little when the much-missed Daffney turned up, and the duo were soon joined by Crowbar. Their gimmick? Being mad. Yep, that was it.
Somehow, someway, Crowbar and Flair won the tag titles in a Lethal Lottery tournament after yet another vacating of the belts. The teams they beat along the way? Strap in, because these are some actual teams. Vampiro and Evan Karagias, Vampiro and Buff Bagwell (don't ask), Lash LeRoux and Midnight before beating Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash in the final. One of those teams is not like the other.
Their reign lasted a whole 15 days before The Mamalukes defeated Flair and Crowbar for the titles. In fact, Vito and Johnny the Bull should be on this list somewhere, surely?