10 Worst WCW Tag Team Champions Ever
7. Rick Steiner & Kenny Kaos

High Voltage, wow. High flippin' Voltage. Robbie Rage and Kenny Kaos, or High Voltage Brunette and High Voltage Blonde, if you will. Before Stasiak, Palumbo, Jindrak, O'Haire and the rest, there was High Voltage. The two jacked-up young dudes were the prototypical Power Plant graduates, all aesthetics and flash without any substance at all. The duo spent most of their tenure coming up short against more experienced teams like Harlem Heat, the Faces of Fear and The Steiners. On a little side note, how underrated were Meng and The Barbarian?
Kenny Kaos does have one tag team title reign in his resume, although the hot-shotting of the promotion's belts means that isn't all surprising. What is surprising is that the tag title reign came alongside Rick Steiner, of all people. Not only that, but Kaos wasn't involved in the match where the titles were won. No, that was all Rick, who defeated The Giant and Scott Steiner in a handicap match and chose his partner the next night on Nitro. Just to ram home the 'WCW' nature of all this, Giant and Scott weren't the tag champions; Giant and Scott Hall were. WCW gonna WCW!
It gets worse. Steiner and Kaos had one successful defence of the belts before an injury to Rick forced them to vacate. Of course, the vacating of the titles came three months after Rick had won them in a handicap match. Thus ends the tragedy of Kenny Kaos and the WCW Tag Team Championships.
To recap; long-time tag wrestler becomes tag team champion with different partner after said partner wins handicap match, only for titles to be vacated when aforementioned partner gets injured. Awful, awful, awful.