10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Winners Ever

7. John Cena (2013)

Roman Reigns the rock

Cena's 2008 Rumble win was as perfect as you'll see. Returning way ahead of schedule thanks to a comic book character level of regeneration, receiving a thunderous ovation at Madison Square Garden in the midst of Super Cena, everything lined up.

Five years later? Not so much.

The scene had been set for a year heading into the Rumble: Cena vs. Rock 2 was going to happen, regardless of fan opinion or organic storytelling. In Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho, WWE had the perfect pairing to go bell to bell, rising stars like Cesaro, Miz, and Cody Rhodes could have taken that next step, CM Punk could have kept his monster title reign going and got his big 'Mania moment, but no.

When those dollar signs appear in front of billionaire Vince McMahon, creative integrity or future planning are thrown off the top of Titan Towers in favour of the immediate gratification. WWE played it 'safe', to the benefit of nobody but Big Match John and Big Film Dwayne. Their second 'Mania bout was much better than the first, but it would have drawn just as well without the title involved.


A huge fan of pop punk music, all the movies, Bray Wyatt, Shawn Michaels, and tea.