10 WrestleMania Rematches That Were Better Than The Originals

1. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, SummerSlam 1994

The match Bret and Owen Hart had at WrestleMania X isn't just one of the best Pay-Per-View openers of all time €“ it's one of the best wrestling encounters of all time, period. A classic hold-for-hold contest that saw Owen outmaneuver and outsmart his brother to pick up the clean victory, it forever established the youngest Hart as a WWE legend €“ and when Bret won the WWF Championship two hours later, it was clear that a rematch would be necessary. The battle came at SummerSlam, this time in a cage match €“ which, at the time, meant one of WWF's unmistakable big blue cages would be needed. Owen was out to prove he could repeat history €“ this time, with the title on he line €“ and he fought tenaciously, as did his brother. The King of Harts took every opportunity he could to try and escape the cage, making for one of the most realistic, logical matches in WWE history. In the end, both brothers scaled the cage and climbed over the top... but an attack from Bret led to Owen catching his leg in the cage, and "The Hitman" was able to drop to the floor and retain the title.

Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013