10 Wrestlers Wasted In Their Current Promotions

7. Lucha Bros (AEW)

Lucha Brothers
Scott Lesh

Anyone who enjoyed Lucha Bros vs. The Young Bucks from last year's All Out, or the masked men vs. Kenny Omega and Hangman Page from this past February, must be concerned. Those bouts appeared to be the peak of their run in AEW, and it now looks like their stock and importance has dropped.

Rey Fenix and Pentagón Jr are now being used to put FTR over.

That's not a terrible spot, because the matches are excellent, but it doesn't exactly hint that these Bros are as vital to the AEW cause as they were last year. Teaming them with The Butcher & The Blade hasn't done much for them either - everything they're doing feels like it's wasting a team who are one of the best around.

Would they fare better in WWE? God no, and so AEW is still the best spot for them. Fingers crossed the twosome's luck changes soon though, otherwise they'll be a glorified jobber tag-team by 2021. They're too good for that indignity.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.