10 Wrestlers Wasted In Their Current Promotions

6. Naomi (WWE)

WWE SmackDown Karaoke Naomi Dana Brooke Lacey Evans

2017, for so many reasons, feels like a lifetime ago.

Naomi must agree, because that was the last time WWE gave her some serious attention and let her sparkle by becoming SmackDown Women's Champion after returning from injury at WrestleMania 33. Then, they dropped the ball on her reign and lost interest. It's been an uphill battle ever since.

The 10 July 2020 episode of SmackDown told Naomi where she's at. After a woeful karaoke segment, she was attacked by a heel-turning Lacey Evans and spun off into a middle-of-the-road feud against the ex-Marine. Fighting over the outcome of a singing contest is a new low for both, and must be seriously disheartening for Naomi.

She has star quality, can cut solid promos and works well with the right opponents in-ring (especially if they can bump around for her athletic spots). Warring over kara-bloody-oke is an insult to her. It's WWE's way of saying, 'Hey, you're nowhere near the title mix'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.