10 Wrestlers Wasted In Their Current Promotions

5. Sami Zayn (WWE)

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Meanwhile, Sami Zayn is nowhere near the active roster.

That was his choice. Zayn decided to take himself out of the frame during the ongoing global health pandemic, and there's no timescale in place for his return. Even before that though, the guy's Intercontinental Title run was clearly something WWE wanted to move on from, and that would've left Sami directionless.

He worked well after trading wrestling for the role of ringside pest, but that never seemed to be a long-term fix for his career either. Outside the WWE bubble, Zayn is a compassionate, sensible activist who believes there's no harm in being outspoken if issues are important enough. That might not be a great fit for WWE's tight corporate structure.

There's so much about Sami (in-ring work, promo style, real-world views etc) that make him seem like an appropriate hire for AEW. It's really difficult to see him ever reaching the highs of IC glory again whenever he returns to WWE, and that means he'd only waste away.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.