10 Wrestlers Who Are Wasted In WWE

5. EC3


Fans who watched him in TNA years ago must be sitting around scratching their heads and wondering when the real EC3 is going to show up again. Back when he was playing the role of Dixie Carter's privileged nephew and cutting intense, believable sit-down promos, EC3 looked like someone WWE would love a second chance with.

So much for that.

Since returning to WWE, Carter has done little besides become one of the never-ending NXT call-ups who has failed on Raw or SmackDown. His last memorable moments came against Dean Ambrose before he left and revived his own career as Jon Moxley in New Japan and AEW. That pretty much says everything right there.

EC3 has been starved of TV minutes to get himself over, and there's no sign that things will change once he returns from a recent concussion. A place like Impact or the NWA could do wonders with Carter if they were able to sign him again. Maybe, following recent reports, they'll get that opportunity soon.

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