10 Wrestlers Who Buried Their OWN Promotions

9. Scott Steiner Thinks "WCW Sucks"

Roman Reigns
WWE Network

Empty a bag of sugar into your toilet bowl post-dump and you'll have a recreation of WCW in 2000. It was a real sugar and s*** situation. For all the "sugar" (the Cruiserweights were still working hard, midcard acts like Booker blossomed into main-eventers etc), there was still a disproportionate foul smell in the air that just wouldn't go.

The promotion had become rotten to the core. On the 7 February Nitro, Scott Steiner decided to go into business for himself by calling Ric Flair a "jealous old bastard". Not content to stop there, Steiner then blamed guys like Ric for why fans had tuned out of Nitro and flipped to the WWF's Raw show instead. It was a quite spectacular meltdown.

Think he's finished? Not quite.

'Big Poppa Pump' continued this one man burial of all things Atlanta by putting over Steve Austin as more thrilling than anything on his side, then finished with a rather definitive: "WCW sucks". Fans in attendance popped, which was hilarious because they'd bought tickets to this thing everyone agreed was rubbish.

Or, maybe the crowd was papered. Who knows?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.