10 Wrestlers Who Buried Their OWN Promotions

4. Triple H & The McMahon Family Apologise

Roman Reigns

'We know the TV we serve up blows. Merry Christmas, everybody!'.

Triple H and the stone-faced McMahon trio of Vince, Stephanie and Shane may as well have spewed the above then left it at that on the 17 December 2018 episode of Raw. Together, the McMahon family unit admitted WWE's product had sucked and that they'd all been doing a poor job of listening to fans.

Who gave this nonsense the green light? Also, if the power base was truly taking responsibility for sagging ratings and general audience disinterest, then why bother pinning the blame on an onscreen authority figure like Baron Corbin afterwards? The McMahons had booked that in the first place! This was so halfhearted and see-through.

Honestly, this guy can't believe the segment made it to TV at all. Somebody should've put a red pen through the idea during creative meetings. Hunter, Vince, Shane and Steph were openly relenting that their own work was a load of rubbish, and pretty much said they had no idea how to fix it but they'd try to figure things out as they went along.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.