10 Wrestlers Who VANISHED When WCW Died

4. Kwee Wee


Allan Funk’s character Kwee Wee was, to put it mildly, problematic. A character in the style of Adrian Street (or, later Golddust), Kwee Wee was portrayed as a heel mainly because the character showed the type of gender non-conformity that America loved to fear in the late 90s.

One of the contracts bought by WWE as part of their acquisition of WCW, Funk soon found himself dropped by the company and never appeared on television. Funk next appeared in World Wrestling All-stars as a, frankly hilarious and far too short-lived, take on Hulk Hogan called The Funkster. Sadly, he’d joined TNA by the middle of 2002, this time winning the Miss TNA Championship by stripping Taylor Vaughn in an Evening Gown match.

An injury broke Funk’s nose, jaw and orbital bone as well as piercing his eardrum, leaving him completely deaf on the left side, and it took four surgeries before he could return to wrestling in 2005. Since then he has continued to play characters he finds hilarious such as Queen Herod and Chi Chi, a Lady Gaga parody.

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WCW Kee Wee
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