10 Wrestlers WWE Will Regret Releasing

9. EC3

Rusev Facepalm

After making a memorable impact in NXT, things were looking good for EC3 when WWE started touting him as a huge star in the video packages announcing his move to the main roster. Rumour has it that the crowd not getting behind EC3 during a match with the then heel Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley) soured Vince McMahon on him, hence why he was then portrayed as, well, a mute!

Appearing in various backstage segments with nothing to say, he ultimately became one of the clowns chasing the 24/7 Championship every week, and that was pretty much it for the one-time TNA standout. Since then, much to the confusion of fans everywhere, we've seen little to nothing of him on WWE programming. As a result, EC3's release wasn't overly surprising.

However, with a great physique, plenty of talent on the mic (which made his mute status all the more baffling), and a character with the potential to be either a hated heel or beloved babyface, EC3 will land on his feet somewhere. When he starts making waves like Cody Rhodes and the aforementioned Jon Moxley have, Vince will definitely realise how foolish he was to bury this Superstar.

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