10 Wrestlers WWE Will Regret Releasing

3. Lio Rush

Rusev Facepalm

Despite reports of backstage heat, and some suspect comments on social media, Lio Rush eventually found his way back to WWE after his alliance with Bobby Lashley and competed successfully on NXT and 205 Live. As Cruiserweight Champion, his image had seemingly been redeemed in the eyes of fans, so the fact he's been released is a legitimate shocker.

With Lashley's relationship with Lana seemingly on the outs, Rush has been hinting about some sort of reunion, and that's another potential move that would have benefited the Cruiserweight's career.

Given the way WWE treats its smaller stars, Rush was probably never going to be headlining a future WrestleMania, but it seems like a real waste to let him go. He's undeniably someone who can now make an impact elsewhere, and with athleticism so highly valued by other companies, he'll more than likely be treated as a top tier talent and someone the IWC frequently raves about.

205 Live could do with that sort of positive buzz given its already dwindling audience, and the show just lost a wrestler who could have helped turn its fortunes around.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.