10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 19)

7. Darren Young Resented Finn Bálor's LGBTQ Entrance

Finn Balor WrestleMania 34

Firstly, it's rather important to establish that Darren Young doesn't resent Finn Bálor. In fact, the former Prime Time Player told Chris Van Vliet that he loves Finn "to death" during a recent interview. At the same time, Young, who came out as gay in 2013, was baffled by Bálor's entrance at WrestleMania 34.

It's one he feels he should've been asked to do instead.

Finn's rainbow-coloured message was one of acceptance and respect for anyone in the LGBTQ community. It was a nice stunt from WWE to convey inclusion, but it didn't sit well with Young. He'd been released from his contract around six months earlier, and could only sit and watch as someone else performed an entrance he felt was tailor-made for his lifestyle.

Darren made no bones about the fact he was irked by WWE releasing him then presenting something he'd toyed with embracing publicly for years on their biggest stage, and all with someone who hadn't walked in those shoes.

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