10 Wrestling Finishing Moves That Are Genuinely HORRIBLE

2. Muscle Buster -Samoa Joe

Daniel Garcia Orange Cassidy piledriver

The Muscle Buster requires the wrestler to lift his opponent upside-down and scrunch their body until their head and neck is next to theirs. Once in position, the attacker falls backwards, slamming the opponent into the mat.

The Muscle Buster isn't easy to pull off, since it requires unwavering balance, immense strength, impeccable timing, and surgical precision. Ryback botched the finisher several times against Tensai on October 1 2012 episode of Raw, despite performing a simplified variant called Shell Shock. If the "safe" version is dangerous, you can imagine how devastating the real thing is.

However, Samoa Joe performed the proper Muscle Buster so flawlessly throughout his career, it looked like his opponent was never in true danger. Joe seemingly perfected this throw, since he performed it countless times without incident.

Unfortunately, everything changed in 2015, when Joe bungled the move on Tyson Kidd, nearly crippling him. Kidd's spine was left irreparably damaged, forcing him to leave pro-wrestling two years later.

Although it seemed like the Muscle Buster had been retired, Joe brought it back in 2022. Nevertheless, the finisher's reputation is tarnished, meaning it'll probably never be as popular as it once was.

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