10 Wrestling Matches You Wish Jim Ross Called

7. Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton Vs Batista - WWE WrestleMania 30

Jim Ross John Cena The Rock

If Ross called Daniel Bryan's win over Triple H, then he'd still be in the booth when Bryan and Batista challenged Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That means that the show-long storyline would have built to its exciting conclusion with J.R. shepherding the fans through the drama.

The three-way bout - which many fans enjoyed even more than the Bryan-HHH match - was a wild brawl that saw "The Yes Man" take a beating. At one point, Batista and Orton - completely fed up with the resilience of their diminutive opponent - teamed up to take him out, planting Bryan through a table with a combination Batista Bomb/reverse RKO.

Just describing that move evokes thoughts of J.R. screaming, "NO! NOOOO!" in the face of the maneuver.

Bryan was loaded onto a stretcher and wheeled away from the ring, but before he got too far, he came to and got up. It was a shocking, inspiring moment that led to Bryan's ultimate title win, and just thinking about J.R. shouting "MY GOD! HE'S STILL ALIVE!" as "The Yes Man" got off the stretcher can cause goosebumps.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013