10 Wrestling Stories That Blurred Reality

1. Matt Hardy's Heartbreak (2005)

Matt Hardy

The wrestling community was left slack-jawed when news crept out that Lita had cheated on Matt Hardy with Edge. Things got even more shocking when WWE released Matt from contract because he wouldn't stop bashing both in the media or talking about something the company just wanted to go away.

Eventually, they realised that hey, there was cash to be made. Imagine that.

Hardy was rehired exclusively so he could ambush Edge and kick off a blood feud against his former friend on TV. As with most angles that WWE try to sell as totally real, the announcers feigned horror that Matt was invading Raw, and the rent-a-cops had their moment by hauling Hardy away like some sort of love-scorned psychopath.

WWE, Matt, Edge and Lita concocted a plan that'd exploit real-life heartache. It cannot have been an easy ride for anyone involved, and yet they somehow worked professionally. Arguably the biggest shocker here is that Hardy didn't just use this as an excuse to get close to Edge so he could beat him up for real.

What other wrestling stories blurred fiction with reality? For more like this, check out 10 Times Triple H Actually Made Legit WWE Stars and 10 Times WWE Tried The Same Failure TWICE!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.