10 WWE Comedy Characters That Somehow Didn't SUCK

8. The Hurricane

Kurt Angle dork

The Hurricane could have completely floundered had it not been for Gregory Shane Helms, whose commitment and energy made the zany character an instantly iconic one in an era full of stars. The masked superhero figure that parodied the genre was an excellent way for the cruiserweight to stand out in a cluster of ex-WCW stars that were looking to make an impact in WWE.

Alongside his sidekick Mighty Molly, he managed to win the Hardcore and European Championships before defeating The Rock of all people. The commitment to the character on WWE's part was commendable too, as Helms was booked to be a ridiculous sideshow of an act that could still spring an upset to a star the size of the 'Great One.'

The over-the-top and frenetic pace at which The Hurricane delivered promos and wrestled inside the ring made him an appealing performer to route for. His work alongside his larger partners Kane and later Rosey also showed how the character could take the odd-couple tag team staple and make it humourous and entertaining.

The character is timeless too, as represented by his surprise Royal Rumble appearance in 2018 where he received a wonderful reaction from fans who enjoyed his best work over a decade prior.

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