10 WWE Horrors That Took Years Off Your Life

9. Kevin Nash…Texts Himself?!

Braun Strowman WWE Why

Work this out if you can: Kevin Nash stunned everyone by attacking CM Punk at SummerSlam 2011. That enabled Alberto Del Rio to cash in Money In The Bank on Punk and win the WWE Title. 24 hours later on Raw, 'Big Sexy' stumbled his way through a promo that explained everything. Or...erm...well, it sort of explained some stuff.

Nash claimed Triple H had texted him pre-SummerSlam to attack the winner of Punk vs. John Cena. 'The Game' said this wasn't true, so it came out in the wash that Kev had broken into Trips' office, grabbed his phone and texted himself the order. Then, Nash said he did this to save Hunter from Punk's verbal attacks.

OK then. That's plausible.

Somehow, this led to the 'Summer Of Punk' turning into a feud between old Kliq pals Triple H and Nash. Punk was shoved to the side so the real-life pals could work a ladder match nobody wanted to see (including Kevin himself) at TLC. What a mess.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.