10 WWE PPV Matches That Prove Vince McMahon Lost It

6. Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt (Hell In A Cell 2019)

Shane McMahon Roman Reigns WWE

It was only a matter of time before this pearler showed up.

Seth Rollins claims he screamed at Vince McMahon backstage for Hell In A Cell 2019. It was an embarrassment for him, Bray Wyatt, the once-proud Cell gimmick and WWE itself. For some reason, McMahon figured booking a non-finish inside HIAC was the way to go; and he also apparently thought nobody in attendance would mind.

Yeah, why not throw hard-earned dollars up against the wall to go see an inconclusive ending to a gimmick bout specifically created to avoid such a thing?! It's a real head-scratcher why fans in Sacramento were so annoyed. Honestly, this was insanity from the then-boss. He needed an editor to tell him no.

Vince once masterfully laced his pay-per-views with cliffhanger endings or satisfying babyface wins. This was neither. It was a shocking example of arrogance, and showed a complete disregard for paying customers who might...y'know...want to see an actual winner. That really isn't much to ask for on PPV when the Cell is involved.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.