10 WWE Stars Who Have Gone AWOL

2. The IIconics

The IIConics

Someday, The IIconics will be the answer to a question in some WWE quiz book about which female tag was the first to break 100 days as Women's Tag-Team Champs. That test is unlikely to admit afterwards that WWE dropped the ball spectacularly with two of the best characters they had on TV and treated their 120-day stint with contempt.

If more proof was needed that those WWE Women's Tag Titles mean sod all, then the execution of Billie Kay and Peyton Royce as a credible act is it.

What more do the writing team want? They have two WWE-made performers who get heat, take a good ass-kicking when they have to and are perfect as ye olde 'cheat to win' sh*tbag heels. Rather than using this to their advantage, WWE proceeded to do nothing with The IIconics once they'd handed them a 'Mania moment to savour.

Welcome to Main Event misery, ladies.

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Lana Rusev
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