10 WWE SummerSlam 2020 Nightmares That Could Come True

1. It's All A Setup For Payback

WWE Payback logo

At the start of 2020, nobody could've guessed that WWE might use SummerSlam as a means to promote Payback one week later. The WWE Network changed how pay-per-views worked many moons ago, but hosting three (including NXT TakeOver XXX) in one week is a tad ambitious of the company.

They might get away with it provided SummerSlam isn't the 'Free For All' to Payback's main course.

SummerSlam is a pro wrestling tradition. 2020's version is the 33rd entry in the pay-per-view's series since beginning with a bang in 1988, and it should never be used as a mere appetiser for any other show. Unfortunately, there's a real possibility that this year's version will be exactly that.

WWE could have an eye on Payback when formatting the results of Sunday's card. For example, several bouts might end in disqualifications just so rematches can happen the following week. The same goes for title changes - WWE may book them so they have even more switches that make Payback relevant.

What other nightmares do you have before WWE SummerSlam 2020? For more like this, check out WWE SummerSlam 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen and 10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1993!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.