10 WWE Superstars Who Have The Wrong Character Alignment

6. Dean Ambrose

Roman Reigns Scarface

Since the breakup of the SHIELD, Dean Ambrose has been one of the company’s top faces. In that time, he’s flirted with and even had short reigns with the WWE Championship. In the immediate aftermath of the SHIELD breakup and his feud with Seth Rollins, Ambrose had been garnering some of the largest pops of the night on a consistent basis.

Through a combination of poor booking, stagnation in his move set, and a general lack of direction, fans have cooled on Ambrose in recent times. Despite that, going into the brand split Ambrose retained the WWE Championship, allowing it to be the flagship title of SmackDown Live.

After an uneventful title reign, Ambrose dropped the belt to AJ Styles. Since then, he’s tried unsuccessfully to regain the belt. His character is currently at a cross roads, without a clear story lined up for WrestleMania season. A heel turn for Ambrose could do wonders for him and for Smackdown Live, already the superior storytelling show to Raw since the brand split.

Both on the independent wrestling scene and in former developmental territory FCW, Ambrose showed the ability to play a deranged, despicable heel who delivered unique and compelling promos every time he picked up a microphone. Since joining the main roster with the SHIELD, Ambrose hasn’t been able to fully unleash his solo heel persona on the WWE Universe.

SmackDown could use a deranged, compelling heel to start a program with their top faces. With a face AJ Styles, a heel Ambrose could add a new dynamic to a feud that has exhausted all possibilities in its current incarnation.

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Roman Reigns
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Anthony is an aspiring screenwriter and lifelong wrestling fan. He was present for the filming of the "We're All Together Now" music video and he will talk your ear off about it. NXT Snob. Follow him on twitter @AMonterulo for all his obnoxious progressive opinions.