10 WWE Superstars Who Have The Wrong Character Alignment

4. Randy Orton

Roman Reigns Scarface

I should start this by saying that I don’t get Randy Orton. I’ve never been compelled by the man. It may be because I checked out of wrestling for a few years in the mid 2000s, missing his rise to prominence. I know there are fans that adore him as a face, but I find his character to be as dull as dishwater. That being said, I think he works much better as a heel.

Orton’s most successful run as a heel was arguably in the mid to late 2000s, when he was the Legend Killer. He spent a good chunk of that run mercilessly beating up beloved WWE legends. He took his dastardly heel antics to new levels during his feud with HHH, at one point forcing HHH to watch him make out with Stephanie’s unconscious body as Trips was tied in the ropes, helpless to stop him.

Couple that with Orton's real life questions regarding his character and temperament, and it makes sense that he stay a heel. Orton himself has expressed in interviews and on Twitter that he always prefers working heel as well, and his discontent when he's not interested in a direction his character going in is usually pretty obvious.

Since 2011, Orton has been mostly a bland face, occasionally turning heel but never really adding much dimension to the storylines he’s a part of. A heel run that allows Orton to tap into the heinous acts he used to succeed in the first place would do wonders for him at this stage in his career.

In this post: 
Roman Reigns
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Anthony is an aspiring screenwriter and lifelong wrestling fan. He was present for the filming of the "We're All Together Now" music video and he will talk your ear off about it. NXT Snob. Follow him on twitter @AMonterulo for all his obnoxious progressive opinions.