10 WWE Superstars Who Have The Wrong Character Alignment

3. Sasha Banks

Roman Reigns Scarface

Sasha Banks has been near universally beloved since joining the WWE with Charlotte and Becky. She has been an instrumental part of some of the best women’s wrestling matches to ever take place in the WWE, including her recent Hell In A Cell match with Charlotte, the first women’s match to main event a WWE pay-per-view, and she is one of the most over talents on the roster.

With WWE’s insistence on hot-shotting the women’s title back and forth though, and the seeds of a Charlotte and Bayley feud being sown, one wonders if they don’t have anything in mind for Sasha Banks in the immediate future.

Sasha’s character, much like Shawn Michaels' cocky face character, inherently works better as a heel. As a heel, she can talk about how she’s the baddest and the best, and rub it in the face of more traditional babyfaces like Bayley.

Speaking of Bayley, Sasha’s best rivalry so far in her fairly short career has been her series of matches with the Doctor of Huganomics. With WrestleMania fast approaching, I can’t think of a better showcase match for women’s wrestling than to let Sasha and Bayley re-create their all time classic match from NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn on a massive scale, with Sasha as the heel and Bayley as the underdog constantly trying to overcome the odds.

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Roman Reigns
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Anthony is an aspiring screenwriter and lifelong wrestling fan. He was present for the filming of the "We're All Together Now" music video and he will talk your ear off about it. NXT Snob. Follow him on twitter @AMonterulo for all his obnoxious progressive opinions.