10 WWE Superstars Who Suffered The Most In 2015

4. Cesaro

Cesaro is one of the best in-ring talents that World Wrestling Entertainment has had offered to it in many years. The 'Swiss Superman' regularly excels against a variety of opponents. He's quick and agile, yet able to tussle with larger men like John Cena and still come out shining. Even so, his 2015 has been topsy turvy, and management are split on where he fits into things. If Cesaro needed an indication of how the boss viewed his talent, it was handed to him in the most public manner possible. Appearing on a special WWE Network show hosted by 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Vince McMahon singled out Cesaro as an example of what's missing from today's stars. Even Austin seemed taken aback by McMahon's words, as the single most powerful guy in the industry criticised someone many felt was doing rather well. Due to the criticism, Cesaro's team with Tyson Kidd was dubbed 'The Brass Ring Club', in reference to reaching for the imaginary brass rings that McMahon referenced. It seems that no matter how many excellent matches Cesaro helps piece together, those in charge just see him as a solid mechanical wrestler. He's capable of being so much more, if booked correctly.
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Lana Rusev
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