10 WWE Superstars Whose Music Was Cooler Than They Are

8. Gangrel

As gimmicks go, 'vampire' isn't the worst, especially compared to 'taxman', 'pornographic actor' or 'clown'. Gangrel, however, was little more than a bit player in the Attitude Era, someone who was definitely a part of it but never troubled the top tier of wrestling's most charismatic roster. Part of the issue was his rotund, jolly appearance, as vampiric as a healthily tanned garlic clove, and undistinguished promo skills in a character that needed to sound the part.

Gangrel's music accompanied him with a dark, pulsing electronic growl tempered with sinister organ stabs, and did far more to evoke the creepy and occult than the wrestler himself. The full Brood entrance, which saw Gangrel and his hangers-on emerge from a pit of flame with blood goblet in hand, was one of the Attitude Era's most distinctive spectacles and owed a lot to the spooktacular grind of his industrial goth theme. While the undying bloodsucker gimmick has returned to the WWE more than once, it has never been evoked better than by Gangrel's entrance theme.

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Apollo Crews
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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.