11 Terrible Fourth Wall Breaking Wrestling Moments
4. Hornswoggle Is Born
I'm going to defend Mae Young's birth to a hand not showing up on this list, which is something I thought I would never have to do.
Now Young’s hand growing up to be an adult could be considered a bigger fourth wall breaking moment but...conceivably she could have grabbed some guy to dress up as a hand for fun, and that hand man wasn't actually her son, he just wanted in on the joke. However, a near 30 year old man being born to a near 90 year old woman is physically impossible! It couldn’t have been a prank either by the two, as there were a bunch of other people in the room to witness the miraculous moment.
Either we were supposed to believe in WWE’s reality, where a man who is already alive could be reborn through Young, or that dozens of WWE wrestlers decided to get together and stage this one incident...while still agreeing to be in the roles of faces and heels, thus meaning everything else is fake on the show...neither is a good option.
Most importantly, what kind of deranged human being asks a fully-grown adult to play a baby just because they’re short? There was a million things wrong with the skit, but perhaps the most terrifying aspect of it is that Vince McMahon genuinely found it funny. I fear what other ideas he has in his mind that he’s never unleashed on us.