12 Hot Takes On The Week In Wrestling (Jan 6)

6. A Heel Stable That Makes No Sense

I can't think of any good reason to take upper midcard players like Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Rusev and team them up in a heel stable. These are characters with no reason to join forces. They have nothing in common, aside from not being from the USA. Rusev should be after Del Rio's US title, not helping him defend him the gold around his waist from John Cena. Del Rio is an arrogant Mexican aristocrat. Why is he playing second fiddle to a loudmouth Irish brawler with Mad Max hair? Remember I said I couldn't think of a good reason for the stable? Well, I can think of a bad one: Roman Reigns needs odds to overcome. They've taken the top guy he was feuding with, established that he can't beat Reigns on his own, and then teamed him with two characters of roughly equal standing on the roster. That's the WWE math for you: to them, one Roman Reigns is worth three upper midcard guys. It doesn't even matter who they are. WWE's League Of Nations has one thing in common with the real life League Of Nations that gives them their name: they were both formed as a reaction to something. The historical conglomeration of countries that formed in 1920 to advance world peace did so as a direct result of the horrors of World War I. Sheamus, Rusev and Del Rio were grouped together so Roman Reigns would have someone to deliver a Superman Punch and/or spear to, and so that a McMahon family member could order them to gang up on one of the Ambrusos. Each of these heels are big enough that they should, by rights, have their own individual stories going on, or at the very least be the featured antagonist in a babyface protagonist's storyline. Del Rio versus John Cena barely counts: Cena's so invested in regaining the US title from Del Rio that he didn't even show up to RAW last night. Oh, and if you€™re wondering why Wade Barrett doesn€™t figure into this entry, it€™s because his character is so worthless and depowered after months and months and months of jobbing to the undercard that no one would notice if he wasn€™t there. In point of fact, for a while he actually didn€™t appear on screen with the League Of Nations: at TLC, he wasn€™t part of the beatdown the League tried to give to Roman Reigns. Very few people noticed, and even fewer cared. Look at the headline picture to this entry. He's not even really allowed to stand with the rest of them. Poor little king.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.