12 Hot Takes On The Week In Wrestling (Jan 6)

5. A Heel Stable That Does Make Sense

Last night on RAW, WWE did something I've been crying out for them to do for months, if not longer... took some of the boneless scraps of flesh feeding at the bottom of their roster, and did something with them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX3cdZf6aNM I'm talking about Social Outcasts, the new stable of undercard malcontents that beat Kip Ziggler on last night's RAW. For ages, we've had wrestlers threaten to put together teams based upon being ignored by creative, but the trigger's never really been pulled. That's not surprising, given that in order for the gimmick to work, WWE creative has to be behind it... kind of a Catch 22, really. I understand that not everyone can be in the main event - the card has a pyramid shape for a reason. But I'm of the firm belief that everyone on the roster should have a storyline. People keep trying to excuse how awful WWE's weekly showcase programming is by talking about how hard it is to write five hours of television every week. Well, that€™s not what€™s happening. Without commercials, RAW is a good two-and-a-bit hours of programming every week; Smackdown, probably about an hour and twenty minutes or so. There are about sixty active WWE superstars on the main roster. To say that sixty characters can€™t fill three and a half hours of television a week is patently absurd. Joe Hennig, Ray Leppan, Taylor Rotunda and, in particular, Health Miller have deserved more TV time to develop their characters and form connections with the casual crowd for a long time now (although I would be careful over giving Curtis Axel a live mic). Hopefully they can include Damien Sandow in their ranks and actually get somewhere for a change. The midcard needs more depth to it.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.