12 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Debuts In WWE History
9. Kizarny
His debut opponent, MVP, probably said it best: "Whoever it is that I'm gonna wrestle, just bring 'em out. Let's just get this over with already." Kizarny was a weird idea for a character. Plain as that. Self-described as the lovechild of Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Doink the Clown, Kizarny made people pretty uncomfortable, but not in an intentionally provocative way. It was more in a "why does this carny keep touching children like that on his way to the ring?" sort of way. Also, word of advice for aspiring wrestlers: Don't ever deliberately associate yourself with Doink the Clown. Ever. In actuality, his ring presence was closer to a combination of a concussed Mankind and a drunk Jeff Hardy. And coupled with the fact that he was going up against MVP in the middle of his losing streak, there was almost no chance this match wasn't going to be a snoozer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWxF1FW7eiY Mercifully, Vince realized the world wasn't ready for a child-obsessed wrestler who speaks entirely in carny and pulled the plug on Kizarny immediately afterword.