12 WrestleMania 32 Worries For Smart Marks

10. The Monday After The Night Before

WrestleMania is the event where all wrestling fans - both casual and die-hard - stand shoulder to shoulder and witness the ultimate payoff to the feuds and championship races of that year. It is a carnival atmosphere designed to make as many people as possible feel good. It is a place where all are accepted and everyone most certainly should be catered to. But the RAW after €˜Mania belongs to the smart marks.

One Monday a year, Smarks from all over the world file into the Monday Night RAW arena and settle in for an unofficial three hour long feedback session. This is not only the RAW where the company either bask in praise or take their lumps, its where we find out which angles are over with, what they€™re doubling down on and what new delights or horrors lurk ahead.

The standard mood for this unique episode is a mixture of euphoria and outrage. Depending on Shane McMahon, It'll be one or the other. If the money is not forthcoming this RAW, It may prove less of a feedback session and more of a disciplinary.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.