12 WrestleMania 32 Worries For Smart Marks

8. Ambrose And Lesnar Get Third Billing

Any way you slice the top three matches on the card the Lesnar and Ambrose street fight is number three. With the company and Taker€™s career on the line in one match and the WWE title edging closer and closer to Roman, this match is simply lower stakes.

Brock and Dean have been paired off in a bid to placate the Smarks and to allow the belt to remain around the COO€™s waist for Roman. It is a clever move that gives us a brutal match we want to tune in for but it felt like these two are kind of babysitting each other.

The exciting prospect going into this match is the possibility of Ambrose beating the conqueror 1, 2, 3 for the first time since WrestleMania 29 back in 2013. That is one victory that would certainly make Ambrose€™s stock rise, and might not damage Brock too much if he makes Dean earn it.

This could potentially be one of three great main events if we allow for radical booking on the day. As it stands, the lowest match on the main event totem is the best match on paper and yet it has been allowed to have the smallest potential to affect the story going forward.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.