12 WrestleMania 32 Worries For Smart Marks

7. Taker Fighting Shane Just Because?

This is a question of character motivation. We get Shane is back and we missed him. We missed the money! We know Taker needed an opponent for mania but these are all non-storyline reasons. Reasons please. Vince made the mistake of thinking nobody would notice the complete lack of motivation on Undertaker€™s part and just went and printed up all the posters.

WWE has been getting ahead of itself a lot lately, leading that most reactionary vocal minority to believe that these essential yet basic elements of booking have become nothing more than afterthoughts. The damage control segment where the Dead Man gently cradled the suspension-happy CEO€™s neck was insufficient. Stating that The Undertaker does what he does is a little Spartan as far as motivation for a bloodbath goes. Something with a bit more thought would have been appreciated.

The final RAW before WrestleMania opened with an exchange between the two and though it didn€™t explain this irksome booking, it went a long way to justifying it after the fact. A prison beat down on Shane followed by a table elbow for Taker sent the crowd through the roof, and the obligatory and ever awesome sit up left things with a €˜to be continued€™ vibe. Shane, the money, also had words with his father, teasing possible post-€˜Mania implications.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.