It baffles me that Bray Wyatt has been on the roster for two years now, and hasnt had a one-on-one opportunity for a championship yet. Two years isnt that long, but Wyatt has proven in that short time that he is one of the very best all-around performers on the roster, be it from an in-ring, promo or a character perspective. Hes so much fun to watch, and the fireflies during his entrance are all the evidence you need that this guy is over. Its clear that there isnt a space for Bray Wyatt in the main event right now, with the heel champion Seth Rollins ruling the landscape of WWE, but mid-card titles were made for guys like Bray Wyatt, to give them experience with a championship before a vacancy opens up in the top spot. I dont understand why Bray hasnt answered any of John Cenas United States Championship open challenges, as the two have had great matches together, so why not? Also, Ryback was in main events for the WWE Title mere months after debuting. Im not saying Wyatt needs to win the title right now, but at least remind people that he is a threat to the title, because he honestly deserves it.