20 Dream WWE Matches That Only Happened ONCE!

12. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar

The Rock Eddie Guerrero WWE

When: Survivor Series 2018

This one absolutely won't happen again.

AEW's Bryan Danielson is on a slow road to proper retirement (on his terms this time) in 2024, and Brock's WWE future is very-much up in the air. These guys will maybe never be underneath the same roof again let alone inside the same wrestling ring, and that makes Survivor Series 2018 special.

One year on from brutalising AJ, an inspired Lesnar worked his socks off in a fun main event vs. Bryan that ran close to the 20 minute mark. People were real chuffed with this one at the time, especially because Daniel's comeback earlier in the year opened up all sorts of possibilities for more "dream matches" to come.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.