20 Wrestlers Who Won World Titles In The Fewest Matches

14. Vince McMahon (WWF Title)

Sheamus WWE Lightning Fast

Number Of TV Matches: 14

Does Vince McMahon count as a wrestler? Well, he wrestled a fair few matches during the 'Attitude' and early 'Ruthless Aggression' era days, so he's here. His Mr. McMahon character was also wrestling's top heel for a while, which shouldn't be forgotten. Putting the WWF Title on himself was a bit much though.

Vince's first official match came vs. Steve Austin (who else?) on the 13 April 1998 Raw. That no-contest was weirdly followed by a tag match pitting Austin and McMahon as unlikely partners vs. The Rock and...D'Lo Brown in early-May. This sporadic trend of Vince working bouts continued until he eventually beat Triple H on the 16 September 1999 SmackDown.

McMahon vacated the title shortly afterwards and Trips regained it in a six-pack challenge at Unforgiven.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.