21. Going To Japan
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lcw1_michinoku-pro-undertaker-vs-hakushi_sport It was also in 1997 that The Undertaker went to Japan and wrestled for Michinoku Pro Wrestling. This was with the WWF's blessing and was linked to Vince McMahon wanting to promote Japanese wrestlers in the WWF's lightweight division. But it was also down to The Undertaker's ego. He wanted to be seen to be working in Japan, which had a reputation for elite pro wrestling and toughness. It is the constant obsession of Taker's, wanting to be viewed as legitimate and tough. It's almost as if he had an inferiority complex. So off he went to Japan, wrestling Hakushi on Ocotber 1997. Even though it wasn't on his own soil, he still won the match.