3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 26 - Results & Review)

2. A Short One That Worked

Konosuke Takeshita Christopher Daniels

Last week, Konosuke Takeshita and Chris Jericho had a weak pull-apart brawl notable only for p*ss poor punches and Takeshita flooring Christopher Daniels with a stiff forearm. Unexpectedly, AEW actually followed up on that by booking Konosuke and Daniels one-on-one for Rampage.

It was brief, but competitive.

Daniels bumped his butt off for Takeshita, then did the honours for someone All Eliters can rightly view as a headliner in the making. Don Callis, as always, added a ton to the segment on guest commentary - Don just knows when to push buttons, and when to give rivals a compliment.

Normally, glorified squashes hit the 'Downs' section, but not this one. Takeshita and Daniels meshed well together, and the 'Fallen Angel' got enough licks in to keep things spicy. Not too spicy though. Curry Man wasn't out there wrestling, y'know.

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AEW Rampage
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