3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 31)

1. Good Match That Served Good Stories

Darby Allin Sammy Guevara Konosuke Takeshita

Your writer has already clocked a few comments online bemoaning the fact that Sammy Guevara beat Konosuke Takeshita. Yes, everyone loves a good moan when wrestlers they like lose, but Mr. Takeshita will be absolutely fine after this. It's important to remember a few things before criticising.

Don Callis wasn't at ringside, so the announcers (and Don himself when he returns) can use that to give Konosuke an out and continue his story with the Elite hanger-on. Also, Sammy is currently in the hunt for a World Title shot alongside other "four pillars" like Jack Perry and Darby Allin, so his victory wasn't undeserved.

Those two were looking on backstage, and sarcastically applauded when Guevara won. Seizing the moment, Tony Schiavone pointed out that they were slow clapping because Sammy had relied on Tay Melo to get the job done.

It was a good match all in. This guy didn't care for Takeshita borderline no-selling a Canadian Destroyer, but that's a small gripe some probs won't even notice or care about. It didn't kill the match, or anything - Guevara vs. Takeshita was the best bout on Rampage, and told multiple stories.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more like this, check out WWE WrestleMania 39: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True and WWE 2K23: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download!

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