4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (26 July - Results & Review)

3. An Energetic Main Event

Nia Jax Bayley

Bayley pointing out that Nia Jax is prone to hurting peers inside the ring was a strange direction for their rivalry to take on last week's show. Cheerfully, things were much better on Friday. There was less blurring of the lines between storyline and reality for a start. Their SummerSlam match doesn't need that kind of stuff anyway.

Nia and Tiffany Stratton attacked Michin during her entrance, so this turned out to be more of a two-on-one effort vs. Bayley. There was shedloads of energy from everybody involved from the off, and the live crowd got into it for Michin's snuffed out comeback. Credit to Mia Yim for selling her arse off too.

This match had energy and the right finish. It's hard to ask for much more than that when the clear goal is setting up Jax potentially ragdolling Bayley on PLE. Nia hit her squash-style finish to send a message, and Stratton got some measure of revenge for last week's MITB pain by lamping Bayley with the briefcase.

Excellent work from all four women here, and a worthy main event.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.