5 Reasons Why WWE SummerSlam 2018's Main Event Will Fail

4. New York Won't Choose Reigns Over Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar

That leads nicely onto another issue with the main event.

New York is a typically hostile, smart crowd. They cheer who they want to cheer, and they're often unwilling to play by WWE's rules if those rules are blatantly forced upon them. That sums up Roman's plight; a hard grafter who deserves praise for his work ethic, Reigns is nonetheless a million miles away from the kind of babyface fans in WWE's traditional home base like.

Furthermore, he's standing across the ring from someone those hardcore fans do respect. That's the case whether WWE want to present Brock Lesnar as a dismissive jerk who fancies an easy pay day rather than working for it nightly like Roman does.

Perhaps against a stronger, more credible babyface, Lesnar would be booed out of the building or smashed with those familiar, "You Sold Out" chants. He was at WrestleMania XX in 2004 (and so was Goldberg), but that was 14 years ago and Steve Austin was in the ring.

Over a decade on from that calamity, Brock has earned everyone's recognition, and that could spell disaster if WWE expect a rowdy New York to turn on him just to cheer Reigns by default.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.