5 Ups & 0 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 8 - Results & Review)

1. One Of The Best Rampage Matches Ever

Bryan Danielson Daniel Garcia

Rampage is worth watching for the main event alone.

Going in, everybody knew Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia would be a winner, but it may even be better than you expected. The match was so slick from start to finish, and not even the typically-irritating picture-in-picture ad break could derail the pair's momentum. They had a story to tell, and they were gonna tell it.

The headliner was a proper pro wrestling match between two top pros. Also, it was lovely to see the Continental Classic get featured on Rampage. That was something this guy whined about last week (then Bryan threatened to fine him and he stopped), so...bonus points all round!

Danielson vs. Garcia was a reward for those who watch Rampage religiously and have stuck around during the darkest of dark days on the 'C' show. The finishing stretch, with Garcia desperately trying to survive and Matt Menard going crazy on comms, was truly fabulous.

If only Rampage could have mains like this every week.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more wrestling, check out 10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE Royal Rumble and Predicting Who Holds Every WWE Title NEXT!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.