5 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (April 1)

1. “What A Spear Through The Table!”

Powerhouse Hobbs Keith Lee

Post-match, Excalibur screamed that sub-heading at the top of his lungs.

Hobbs saved Ricky Starks from becoming mincemeat by spearing Lee through a nearby table, and it looked f*cking magic. Earlier, Starks had already taken care of Swerve by planting the relative-newcomer through another table at ringside.

This was a hot, chaotic end to the episode that elevated Team Taz above being stepping stones for Keith and Strickland. Fingers crossed AEW decide to pull the trigger for this tag-team match on Rampage. It'd be a worthy main event for the show, and most of the build has happened on Friday nights anyway.

Side note: Powerhouse didn't make a big deal out of asking Starks to bring him the table. It would've been easy to do a Dudley Boyz tribute there, which would've turned the moment comedic and made Team Taz the babyfaces by default. Nice restraint and focus from Hobbs.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more wrestling, check out 2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE WrestleMania SmackDown (April 1) and WWE WrestleMania 38: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True!

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AEW Rampage
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