5 Worst WWE Night Of Champions Win-Loss Records

3. Chris Jericho - 4 Matches, 3 Losses

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Ziggler has often drawn comparisons with Chris Jericho, so it should come as no surprise to find Y2J here. In his defence, Night of Champions was introduced into the WWE schedule after he left the company for the first time, and if it had been an event in his first run his record would surely be better. As it is, Jericho has a 25% success rate at the show, with his only win coming in 2009 in a tag title defence with The Big Show against Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. 

His losses? 2008 saw him lose the IC title to Kofi Kingston, in 2010 he was eliminated first in the Six-Pack challenge, pinned by Randy Orton after only one minute 25 seconds of action, and it would be Orton who inflicted his most recent loss at the show, last year in a fine match. With Jericho's WWE appearances becoming more and more sporadic, this record is unlikely to change.


Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.